The Team

  • Abel
I'm Abel, a 23-year-old Food Technology student. For years, I've been interested in food, especially healthy food. I love looking up nutritional values and health facts of the foods I eat. I also work out regularly and try to adapt my diet to building muscles but also a healthy body and mind. I love experimenting with different kinds of eating habits and diets. Currently, I'm doing a ketosis (low-carb) diet, eating less than 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. Mostly to experience the benefits but also the difficulties: carb-cravings and at the start a lack of energy, especially during workout sessions. Having a strict diet is also the very challenging way to discover new recipes and kinds of food you're allowed to eat. Because all carbs are cut out, I can't use my go-to recipes anymore. So I will probably post about how the diet benefits me and challenges me, but also some cool carb-free recipes that are delicious and healthy. 

During my time at Food Technology, I hope to discover more amazing things about food and health. I also hope I can interest people with food facts, recipes and my own experiences with everything related to nutrition. 
  • Naomi
My name is Naomi, I'm 18 years old and a first year Food Technologist student. I've always been interested in food. When I was in the supermarket I would always look at the packaging to see the ingredients. I was always wondering why a certain additive had to be added in a product. That is why I wanted to study Food Technology. I enjoy working in the lab but there's more than that, it's very broad.I like to cook, and I love different kinds of food and cuisines. I like trying new things. I try to have lots of variety in what I eat. Sometimes I make a meal that's completely vegan, and at other times I enjoy fast-food. I usually cook Asian food because I grew up learning how to cook that. But it depends, no day is the same for me when it comes to food. I really enjoy decorating my food, I like making smoothies and pretty looking healthy food haha. Other than food, I'm a make-up junkie with a lovely make-up collection. I also have a passion for music, I play the drums and guitar. I mostly listen to alternative, rock and punk rock but I like all different kinds of music. 

  • George
    My name is clearly George, like the others on this blog. I might not be the most creative one the team. However, I really enjoy the Scientific to side behind different kinds of food. There have been a lot of new developments in the food sectors, even dough I love a good plate of meat and even veggies.
    Always, I have been attracted to science, like chemistry and physics. Even dough, algebra I really amusing every now and then. Together with my adoration of food, I choose to be a food technologist. I am just a first year Food Technology Major but it is really Amazing, working with food and being in the lab. Actually, we have wasted much food this term. But I will discuss that later in a Lab Story. Making new products, could be my dream job and know that for sure.
    I am half Asian. Asian food feels like home. However, I do like dutch flavours. The typical Dutch cuisine is all about simplicity and honouring the truth flavours and aromas. I am in for everything. You can give me anything and would taste it, unless it is still moving. Many things, I have eaten like, kangaroo, snails, frog legs, blood sausage, haggis, calamari and Oysters. Trying new stuff is fun, definitely trying food from other places over the world. I know fast food can be bad, but I still enjoy it sometimes and will let you know. I like honest food, but sometimes fast food is so tasty.
    Besides food, I am a giant nerd. I am truly a Marvel, DC and StarWars and Pokemon fanboy. You will see me probably at Dutch Comic this year if I won't be sick. Enjoy gaming, playing tennis watching sports and going to concerts. Mumford and Sons 2015 was amazing in Nijmegen. Just saying.  Listing majorly to rock music and country and soul. Just like the old songs, cuz of the nostalgia.

  • Laura
    Hiiii I’m Laura, the youngest (17) of the team :)I can be really organised at day 1 and at day 2 I can make a mess of everything... To keep it dynamic ;)

    I really love making smoothies with fruit.
    When I’m in the supermarket I always want to know what is in the product.  I’m also into cooking and experimenting with food (and herbs). I really like baking cakes and cookies and then decorate them.
    I also like the “bad” foods, oops! But, since three years I’m more and more interested in good food. The interest started because of illness L I became very ill after a vaccination for cervical cancer. I met a naturopathic and he told me what to eat and what not to eat, a kind of diet. In this diet, I needed to go back to the basics! After 4 months of a harsh diet, I became less ill. This made me think more about food and what’s really healthy.
    Oh gosh, I just realised I’m only talking about the bad things…
    Okay, umh something nice…. Oh yes, there’s a thing I’m addicted to (in a good way): DISNEY! I’m in love with everything that is linked to Disney. I almost breathe Disney, haha. I will probably write something about a Disney-related food thing ;)

    During my time as an FT student, I hope to discover the most amazing things about food. I also hope I can travel the world to tell people about my experiences and help people to eat healthy but nice.

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